St Augustines014

Why choose us?

Why choose us?

  • We are a small school where we know and care for our students as individuals
  • The Academy’s ethos is based on the universal values of respect, truth, trust and integrity. Those of all faiths and none are welcome and we openly encourage understanding, diversity and tolerance for all
  • We broaden our students’ horizons and challenge for success in all aspects of our broad curriculum which is accessible to students of all aptitudes and abilities
  • Every student is supported to achieve and to be successful. A Grammar Stream further encourages students who have demonstrated that they would benefit from an accelerated curriculum
  • The Academy has excellent facilities, especially for practical subjects
  • Our supportive and comprehensive transition programme and pastoral team ensures a smooth progression for students from primary to secondary education
  • We have a comprehensive Careers and Work Experience programme with strong links to businesses to prepare our students for further or higher education, training and work leading to successful futures
  • Our innovative Enrichment programme provides students with a range of activities and opportunities to expand their knowledge and interests beyond the academic curriculum
  • As an inclusive school, we have a specialist ARC suite / Autism Resource Centre which integrates its students into mainstream schooling
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